Area C Milano Map

Here is a map of Area C in Milan and its entrances:

Area c Map

And here is a list of the streets where each entrance is located:

lista porte strade

Milan's Area C is a limited traffic zone in the center of the city where a congestion charge is in place to reduce traffic and pollution. The limited traffic zone, marked by specific boundaries, requires visitors, driving in Area C, to pay an entrance fee to access during certain hours on weekdays. Visitors who fail to pay the entrance fee have to pay a penalty. To help drivers better navigate the area and its entrances, we provide here a map of Area C, along with its entrances and the streets where each entrance is located.


The map provides an essential visual guide to the Area C limited traffic zone, showing the exact boundaries and where the controlled entrances are located. With a total of 43 entrances, the map marks each entrance with a number and a color, allowing drivers to identify the nearest and most convenient entrance to their destination.

Red entrances are reserved exclusively for public transport vehicles, such as buses and trams. The blue entrances, on the other hand are designated for all other vehicles, including private cars, motorcycles, and commercial vehicles.

The entrances are spread out around the perimeter of Area C and are positioned on key streets. Whether you are a visitor seeking to explore the historic Duomo or a local navigating your daily commute, the map serves as a practical tool for planning your travel within the city.

List of Streets

To complement the map, a detailed list of the streets for each entrance point is provided. This list is extremely important for understanding the layout of Area C. For example, entrance 1 on Via Legnano leads you near the Sempione Park, a perfect starting point for a leisurely day in the city. Entrance 5 on Via della Moscova offers a direct route into the Brera district, renowned for its artistic atmosphere, galleries, and charming cobblestone streets. Entrance 9 on Corso Venezia offers access to a district renowned for its fashion boutiques and elegant architecture. Entrance 12 on Piazza Cinque Giornate is situated near the historical center and provides easy access to the Court of Milan and the Public Gardens (Giardini Pubblici). Entrance 33 on Via Servio Tullio grants access to the tranquil neighborhood of Sant'Ambrogio, a district characterized by its charming cafes, green spaces, and the historic Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio.

Each numbered entrance on the list corresponds to the map's key, providing you with clear and precise information on where to enter the Area C zone. This way, you can effortlessly find the nearest entry point to your destination and understand the exact street location, ensuring compliance with the congestion charge regulations.

Utilizing the Map and Street List

The map and street list are extremely important and useful for anyone driving in Milan. Before setting off, check the map to see which entrance aligns with your route. Make a note of the street names listed to ensure you approach Area C from the correct direction. By familiarizing yourself with these entrances, you can effortlessly enter and exit the zone, making your journey in Milan as smooth as possible. And don't forget to pay for your entrance ticket to the area and activate it.